Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Homeland Security; Are You Tough Enough?

It’s not easy being in the homeland security business. While the business landscape can be a daily battlefield, the homeland security industry can really take a mental toll on its workforce. I wanted to address being tough enough for homeland security in today’s blog because true strength comes from the right mental attitude.

If you’re thinking about getting into the homeland security business, keep reading! You will need the following two habits to ensure you are tough enough to succeed within this industry.

First, you can’t waste mental energy relying on luck to distinguish your destiny. In any situation in life, especially with homeland security, you need to act as if you are in charge and there is no such word as “try”, you either do or you don’t. The middle doesn’t exist. If you act as if you are in control, others will respect you and you will have no room to blame bad luck on your failures or successes.

Second, complaining and critizing others isn’t an option. Homeland security requires you to work with a team. If the team succeeds, know it is a team effort. If the team fails, know that it is a team effort. If you spend too much time talking about others or complaining about the tasks at hand- people will start to question if you are mentally frail or out to sabotage others and you will not succeed within the industry. Play nice and be transparent, not critical or a baby about certain tasks!

I hope this information has provided you with a brief oversight on the toughness needed to combat the day-to-day operations within the homeland security field. You may also want to pick up a copy of my book dedicated to homeland security for more in-depth information. Here’s the link:

Twyla N. Garrett

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