Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Your Business and Bad Decisions... It will happen

One of my most valued lessons is knowing that there are two bad choices every business owner will make in his or her life that will immediately be regretted- followed by a hard lesson. Trust me when I say that these two bad choices can be avoided, which is why I am sharing them. I don’t want you to learn these lessons the hard was so I am hopeful you will keep reading.

#1. Stating you tried your best and failed. We, as people, are conditioned to say “I’ve tried my best” when we are met with failure. Instead of knowing you have this label excuse in your back pocket, say something meaningful before a challenging task. Say “I will” and then do it. It doesn’t matter in life if you try or not. Millions of people try every day fail. Why? They have the “I’ve tried my best” excuse available. Make no excuses for failure, make up your mind not to fail! So, don’t regret letting a client or a boss down by stating this excuse. Instead, work harder and longer and make it happen.

#2. Refusing to apologize. This is a big one for most people. Don’t take the lame cop out with an “I’m sorry you feel this way.” What’s wrong with simply saying “I’m sorry”? Swallow your fear--or pride--and say you're sorry. Then you'll help the other person let go of their resentment or bitterness and both parties will be able to move on. Saying you’re sorry means you take accountability for something, a rare thing in today’s world.

So, remember – say you are sorry and refuse to try your best, instead do your best.

Until tomorrow,

Twyla N. Garrett

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