Saturday, July 20, 2013

Attention Getting Slogans....The "How-To" Edition

Every great brand needs a great slogan. So, what happens when you're stuck and can't come up with one? First, don't panic. Second, don't over think. If you are struggling to come up with a great slogan then step away from the task for three days. When you do come back to addressing the issue, follow my advice listed below.

A great slogan should be between three and five words. Anything longer will be hard to remember and won't stick with customers. Nike's 'Just Do It' campaign is the perfect slogan. It explains everything, it has stuck for years, and it is short. Remember, if you have a slogan over five words- revisit it and figure out how to make it shorter.

Don't be soulless. A great slogan has to provoke emotion within people. It should reference something other than "buy me." Marketing people forget customers are people, not numbers. Try viewing your slogan from a personal point of view.

You also want to have an element of shock value- but in a good way. Don't use anything too controversial, but a slogan that is clever enough to turn heads and be remembered.

Branding a business is hard work. You might have to revisit the drawing board several times- but it will be worth it in the end.

Until next time, Twyla Garrett

Twyla Garrett, CBM, CHS III is an extraordinary serial entrepreneur, corporate speaker, and compelling author who has been personally invited to speak at The White House about creating jobs, economic growth, and the controversial fiscal cliff of 2012. ​

Garrett is known for her notable (sometimes 100% self-funded) business deals and for providing excellent opportunities to individuals facing immense challenges. She developed a home-based small event planning and catering business from 1995-1998. She opened her first of three clubs, Club Escape, in 2003. Club Escape is a summer nightclub and restaurant, located in Richmond, that provides at-risk teens an opportunity to learn the restaurant business. Within the next few years, she opened Mocha Fusion Coffee Lounge in 2008, and 2020 Martini Café in 2008; both restaurants in Cleveland, Ohio. She sold those ventures and moved the 2020 Martini Café and Lounge to Richmond, Virginia.

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