Wednesday, September 4, 2013

PR Basics....

Love or hate Donald Trump- there is no doubt in my mind that you know who he is. Why do you know who he is? Really, think about this. He inserts himself in the middle of the media on the constant. Behind his brand is a company that has had more failures than Elizabeth Taylor had marriages. So, why is Mr. Trump considered media relevant? Because he says so.... yes, this is the reason.

If you don't have an aggressive publicity plan, you need one. Here are some basic tips to get you started;

1. Say what is on your mind... all the time. Don't wait for the media to come to you. Instead, start a YouTube channel. Once a week make a video post commenting on the most trending story of the week. Put your personal spin on it. Go ahead, have an opinion. Trump does and it doesn't prevent him from being in the media- in fact, it helps him get rebooked. Political correctness isn't for the media savvy.

2. Prepare to have enemies... and then engage with them. Yes, talk to your enemies on social media. Keep your cool but stay consistent. The media loves to comment on public fights... don't shy away from the enemies you're going to make giving your opinion.

3. Be charitable. I say this for a million reasons plus one. There are many benefits when it comes to giving back. And, your company's reputation can't be hurt by giving a little or a lot!

Until next time,

Twyla Garrett

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