Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Prioritize.

The best way to get things done is to make a list on how to get them done. It seems pretty basic but it is needed. If you try to keep track of things in your head, chances are you will miss something or become overwhelmed. Below are my tips for prioritizing tasks and making that all important "to-do" list.

1.Get the hard stuff out the way. If you start with the small stuff, chances are you will be stressing the whole time about the harder tasks. Clear your head, and your schedule, by starting with the larger projects first.

2. The "to do" list- Keep it reasonable. Are you scheduling  lunches, phone time, and meetings? Don't over book yourself and make sure you are booking meals- especially if you work from home or in the field.

3. Be disciplined. In order to prioritize projects and your schedule, you have to be able to stick to a schedule and accomplish the tasks on it! When you put a little discipline in your schedule, you  may find yourself putting more time into your business, with more money coming in!

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