Monday, June 2, 2014

When You Stop Caring......

I know, the title of today’s blog is shocking. How could one “not care” when it comes to their business? Well, burn out is a real thing and most business owners are serial entrepreneurs who , once something works, are on to bigger and better things- leaving the old idea to run itself like a well-oiled machine.

If you have stopped caring (or no longer care as much) then keep reading. Below are my top three tips to reenergize your passion!

#1. Spend time volunteering for those who aren’t as fortunate as you right now. Nothing helps you understand why you should care, and how tangible everything truly is, more than a slice of humble pie! So, walk among the people who could really benefit from your time and money and understand why it is important to care. You could grow your business to help benefit non-profit groups or hire people who need a hand up.

#2. Kill your marketing department’s efforts for a month and see how things go. I promise you no matter how well your business is performing, it will never work at full capability without your marketing department. So, make the changes and then figure out how to help your marketing department.

#3. Take a vacation. Yes, the best way to relearn how to care is to step away from the environment. There is something to be said for refreshing your perspective through relaxation. Yes, I am prescribing a day at the beach or a week away from the office to help you care more.

Until next time,

Twyla N. Garrett

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